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China Eleventh Chemical Construction Co., Ltd. Address: No.53, Bianjing Road, Kaifeng City, Henan Province, Zip

code: 475002

E-mail:eleco@eleco.com.cn&opd@eleco.com.cn Tel:0086-371-22905559 Fax:0086-371-22922143


Website Updating:Internet Information Center, Technology and Quality Dept, ELECO

Contact person and phone number for the company's hotline for clearing arrears: Mr. Zhang from Operations Management Department 0371-22905515 (Subcontracting and Migrant Worker Wages)

Ms. Wang from the Procurement Department 0371-22905626 (Materials and Leasing)

?China Eleventh Chemical Construction Co, Ltd. Address: No.53, Bianjing Road, Kaifeng City, Henan Province, Zip Record number:YuICPBei No. 12012028
罗山县| 新丰县| 建平县| 鸡泽县| 潮安县| 阿拉尔市| 城口县| 太谷县| 吉首市| 哈尔滨市| 东丰县| 竹溪县| 通河县| 忻州市| 南开区| 威海市| 阳谷县| 运城市| 彩票| 崇左市| 常熟市| 开化县| 黄梅县| 遂溪县| 田阳县| 雷州市| 武功县| 屏东市| 五莲县| 邢台县| 潼关县| 九台市| 德州市| 白河县| 谢通门县| 加查县| 射洪县| 吉水县| 庐江县| 繁昌县| 宜兰县|